Phone: (212) 360-7266 or (212) 289-2944
1763 2nd Ave. New York, NY 10128
SW Corner of East 92nd St. & 2nd Ave.

Designs by Petei

Petei's canvas designs are now being distributed by Painted Pony Designs. There are so many of them so we have decided to leave them by themselves so they would be would be easier to find. You can see Petei's full line of adorable needlepoint designs here.

Please Note:

 **The depiction of colors in a design are not "exact" when shown on a computer. Every ones colors settings are different. Designs may be slightly lighter or darker depending on your computer settings.

 **Prices subject to change without notice**

   All items are NOT GUARANTEED to be In-Stock at time of purchase. Canvases may need to be ordered from the vendor. If a Vendor does not have a canvas in stock it will need to be painted which can take anywhere from 1-3 months++  We ask that you please be patient!

Thank You