Phone: (212) 360-7266 or (212) 289-2944
1763 2nd Ave. New York, NY 10128
SW Corner of East 92nd St. & 2nd Ave.

Snow by Caron

 **Please Note**  

 The depiction of thread colors are not "exact" when shown on a computer. They are only intended to be used as a general guide.

 Please Note: All items are NOT guaranteed to be In-Stock at time of purchase and may need to be ordered. Please be patient! Thank You

Caron Snow®

Snow is a synthetic metallic thread. It is very easy to work with and in weight is similar to #5 pearl cotton, six strands of floss or one ply of persian wool. White tends to reflect the colors used around it. Although it has lots of sparkle, decorative stitches look well worked with Snow. It also comes in a variety of colors.