Phone: (212) 360-7266 or (212) 289-2944
1763 2nd Ave. New York, NY 10128
SW Corner of East 92nd St. & 2nd Ave.

Beth Gantz # NP250AB


Beth Gantz # NP250AB

Initial - Aqua/Brown Argyle Design

10 mesh

5 x 5

Letters Available A - Z

Needlepoint Canvas 

*Threads Sold Separately 



Other Colors Available:

Click Item #

LB=Lime/Brown: Beth Gantz # NP250LB

PB=Pink/Brown: Beth Gantz # NP250PB

LP=Lime/Pink: Beth Gantz # NP250LP

LA=Lime/Aqua: Beth Gantz # NP250LA

*OP-Orange/Pink: *CALL TO ORDER

(212) 360-7266 OR (888) 806-7200